
Same style as the factory rotary design, this design is by far the most reliable option for any semi auto 22.
- 10 Round 22LR magazine
- Clear plastic - See how many rounds you have left!
- Can be disassembled and cleaned
- Long lasting steel lips
Fits: Ruger 77/22, Ruger American and Ruger 10/22
You can never have too many magazines! Our Gun City staff always have at least 3 spares and a couple of the team with good bunny spots have more than 15 mags each ready to go!
See our options for multi buy deals:
x2 Mags $119
x3 Mags $159
x5 Mags $259 (Best deal!)
We are NZ's largest firearms dealers. We have been selling, importing, exporting, manufacturing, customising and repairing firearms and accessories since 1978. We have the largest range of guns, ammo and accessories online in New Zealand.
Please call our shop for more information on (03) 379-8888 in Christchurch, New Zealand.